17th Feb 2020
Newly appointed CTO, Mike Bathurst
Global Energy Group have recently appointed a Chief Technology Officer, Mike Bathurst. Having been part of the Group for the past eight years as Business Solutions Manager, heading up the IT and Business Solutions teams, Mike was the ideal candidate for the newly created role.

Mike’s passion for the development and implementation of technology in all areas of the business has been apparent in the changes and developments already made through technology across the group thus far.
A cloud-first strategy was set out in 2018 and this has moved the majority of the Group’s services into Microsoft Office 365 and the Microsoft Azure platform, alongside a network migration project which enables ten times the capability of its predecessor. Mike says the hard work over the last two years by the IT teams to deliver against this strategy now gives the group a fantastic platform to leverage the latest technology to help drive our business forward as we embark on a digital-first strategy.
As part of his new role Mike will be focusing on ensuring that all group companies are aware of, and making best use of, the existing technologies we have at our fingertips whilst looking to new technologies to speed up our Digital Transformation and enhance our existing Digital Strategy to support the growth of the business over the years ahead.