18th May 2023
Setting the Stage for Success: Inaugural Session of the 2023 Emerging Leader Programme
Following the success of our 2022 Emerging Leader Programme, development centres for our 2023 cohort were held in April, where participants presented a 5-minute presentation to a panel senior business leaders. Last week then saw our Emerging Leaders gather for the first time to attend our inaugural session of our Emerging Leader Programme, which was kicked off by our Chairman Roy MacGregor alongside Board Director Jia Mackenzie.
Designed and run by our Organisational Development Manager, Ashley Baxter, and supported by the People & Culture team members, Lynn Anderson and Kelly Macleod, the first session of the programme, Understanding Myself and Others, delved into the role of a leader, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, the art of effective communication, and the skill of coaching.
Set against the backdrop of Ross County Football Club renowned not only for their sporting expertise but for their larger purpose as "more than just a football club”, SPFL Chief Executive Officer of the year Steven Ferguson, set time aside to meet with our 16 Emerging Leaders, offering invaluable personal accounts of his own leadership journey from Player to Academy Director, and Manager to CEO, sharing motivational tips such as “think in grey, not black and white” and “say no to nothing, you can never know enough”.
Over the course of the 12-month programme, we will introduce those who are participating from across our businesses by sharing their biographies. However, for a glimpse into the line-up, cast your eyes below.
Introducing our 2023 Emerging Leaders - Chris Kennerley, Cody Izatt, Connor Mackenzie, Connor McKinley, David Bauermeister, Erin Johnstone, Grace Ryder, Graeme Webster, Joshua Jones, Kirstin Gault, Laura Maciver, Lynn Sandison, Mariya Arbalieva, Mathew Preece, Petya Toncheva, and Stuart Malcolm.
Thank you to the ongoing support of our Development Centre Panel - Dave Mackay, Dave Masson, Derek MacNab, Graham Holloway, Mark Webster, Mike Bathurst, Mike Mann, Sarah Dunn, Steve Chisholm.